Saturday, October 19, 2013

66 Days Make Apple Butter

My daddy loves apple butter so I try to make some every other year or so for him. I don't love apple butter so I don't make it every year.

My recipe is pretty simple and has few measurements. We were blessed to be able to glean pears and apples this year so this recipe only cost me some spices, brown sugar, and new cannning lids.

I use roughly 10 quarts of applesauce. This year I used some pears with my apples when making sauce so the flavor is a little different. I also used cider instead of water to make my sauce. I like it more this way.

I added 2 1/2 cups of brown sugar, two pinches of nutmeg, and two pinches of dried orange peel. I set the burner on low and kept the pot fairly well stirred. After a day or so (Yep, I just turned the burner off at night. My pot kept things warm because it's awesome like that.) the butter was finally reduced enough to can. I like my apple butter to be twice as thick as my sauce so I let it reduce by half. I then water bath canned the butter in half pint jars for five to seven minutes. I ended up with about 16 half pints plus whatever the kids ate on the fresh bread that their daddy made.

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